Dreaming of Love

by Mary Ann McCoy


His words slide over my skin like waves

slowly flowing off a smooth rock polished by the sea.

His loving words settle in my shaken soul and broken heart,

healing, and mending a turmoil of upset from constant years of abuse and unloving words.

All is washed away by his smooth strong shoulders and broad back.

It’s his eyes and caress that give me hope for a love I never knew before.

A desire stirs  and explodes  in my heart spilling emotions into my once empty body. 

The smell of his skin, the blue of his eyes, the strength in his hold,

all give me the intense feel of love

I've never had before.


Good Morning My Love

by Mary Ann McCoy


Will I wake you love, if I softly put my head on your shoulder and

 lie next to you slowly without making a sound?

I will whisper in your ear how much I love you and promise not to bother your slumber.


Buongiorno Amore Mio

(translation of Good Morning My Love)

by Mary Ann McCoy


Se gentilmente appoggio la mia testa sulla tua spalla e

mi distendo vicino a te lentamente senza fare un suono,

amore, ti sveglierò ?

Sussurerò nel tuo orecchio quanto io ti amo e prometterò di non disturbare il tuo sonno.



by Mary Ann McCoy


The season has changed and it’s autumn now.

Leaves are golden and red softly falling onto the newly plowed fields as I ride by on my old-timer bike.

The breeze is chilly but its feel on my skin turns warm thinking of you.

How you entered my mind, soul and heart I don’t know.

You just glided in with your gentle words and whispering voice.

How does one handle this commotion of music coming from ones heart?

How does one know if it is really music and not just confusion and disturbance to take us down the wrong path?

To twist and manipulate our heart and life.

There are no answers. Answers come from within our heart.

Is the music you hear a soft cello playing in a piazza or is it a violin played on a boat in the middle of a calm lake?

Could it be the sound of  rumbling stones rolling down the side of a mountain and crashing against

the bark of pines unknowingly shouting out an alarm of pain to come?

There is no way to know. Love just arrives. It isn’t invited.

It just finds that crevasse, or that tiny little crack in your heart

and enters.


You Are My Love

By Mary Ann McCoy


You’ve taken away my fears.

You’ve given me love, soft, gentle love making.

You are in my heart and in my head.

You glide over my body and whisper ‘I love you’.

Only there. Only there. Only there, in my heart and in my head.

My heart explodes with desire and the warmth of your love.

The gentle touch of your hands and the smell of your skin have permeated my brain.

Your love flows in my veins and nourishes my soul.

Your strong hands play music on my skin like notes of a violin in the shadows of a thin crescent in the sky.

Make love to me.

Let our love be the fingers on the strings of a violin in the shadows of the sun turning red in the sunset.

Take my hand to the beat of your heart.

Hold me close in an embrace never to forget.

Don’t let go. Hold me there in the notes of your heart and

make love to me.


Now and Before

by Mary Ann McCoy


How can I let you go?

Your hand in mine like a pianist on the keys.

We are two in a tune as one.

Before you, there was nothing.

I didn’t know.

How could I have known the feel of your love,

The warmth in our entwined fingers in a loving hold?

Only after your deep breath of love in my life,

expanding my lungs and running through my body,

feeding me your love,

could I know the difference between the now and before.


Ora e Prima

(translation of Now and Before)

by Mary Ann McCoy


Come faccio a lasciarti partire?

La tua mano nella mia come un pianista sui tasti,

siamo due in sintonia come uno solo.

Prima di te, c'era niente.

io non lo sapevo.

Come potevo conoscere la sensazione del tuo amore,

il calore delle nostre dita legate in una presa d'amore?

Solamente dopo il tuo profondo respiro d'amore nella mia vita

aprendo i miei polmoni, scorrendo attraverso il mio corpo e

nutrendomi del tuo amore,

potevo sapere la differenza del prima e dell'ora.


My Love For You

By Mary Ann McCoy


You are still sleeping,

I’m looking at your body

relaxing under the sheet.

I will slowly slide into your dreams

and make love to you

with all the passion I feel

in the love I have for you.


Il Mio Amore Per Te

(translation of My Love For You

by Mary Ann McCoy


    Stai ancora dormendo,

    osservo il tuo corpo

    rilassato sotto le lenzuola.

   Lentamente scivolerò nei tuoi sogni

   e farò l’amore      

   con tutta la passion che sento

    nell'amore che ho per te.   


In Open Light

by Mary Ann McCoy


A crow is cawing from a nearby branch.

Calling? Warning? Singing?

Which could it be?

It’s love in my heart reaching like a branch rising to the stars.


Yes, calling you and me to embrace our love in open light.


Yes, warning of pain to come from dark clouds in the blue above.


Yes, singing out loud how much I love you.


Alla Luce Del Sole

(translation of In Open Light)

by Mary Ann McCoy


Un corvo gracchia da un ramo vicino

Chiamando? Avvertendo? Cantando?

Quale potrebbe essere?

E’ l’amore nel mio cuore che si estende come un ramo alzandosi verso le stelle.


Si,  chiamandoci ad abbracciare il nostro amore alla luce del sole.


Si, avvertendo il dolore che arriva con le nuvole scure nel cielo azzurro sopra di noi.


Si, cantando a voce alta quanto io ti amo.


Dark Morning

by Mary Ann McCoy


It's morning once again,

good morning my love, whoever you were.

I slept without you holding me in your arms.

I had a dream that a love had entered my heart.

Now, I feel the whisper of passion that filled my life is gone.

Today the morning is dark.


Una Mattina Oscura

(Translation of Dark Morning)

by Mary Ann McCoy


E' nuovamante mattino,

buongiorno amore mio, chiunque tu sia stato.

Ho dormito senza che tu mi tenessi fra le braccia.

Ho sognato che un amore era entrato nel mio cuore.

Ora, il sussurro della passione che aveva permeato la mia vita è svanito.

Oggi la mattina è oscura.


Darling Let Me Tell You That I Love You

by Mary Ann McCoy


My heart holds yours and caresses you from within.

I hear the murmuring and rushing of your warm blood in my veins.

We are one in our love, our union and our whispering music.

Why me? I say. Why me?

Why am I the one to have your loving warmth in my heart?

Why am I the one to have your love?

Love won’t stay when love isn’t wanted.

I want you, I want you, here with me.

Your love and mine flow to our hearts

to nourish, protect and hold,

to share tears and smiles,

to walk the same cobbled and mossy path.

Yes darling, I love you, in a million ways.

Words don’t have meaning when I try to say I love you.

Only when my hand is in yours, my skin against yours

can I breathe your scent and feel your love.

Only then, can I give my breath to you and say I love you.


Caro Lasciami Dire Che Ti Amo

(Translation of Darling Let Me Tell You That I Love You)

by Mary Ann McCoy


Il mio cuore regge il tuo e ti accarezza da dentro.

Sento il mormorio e lo  scorrere del tuo sangue caldo nelle mie vene.

Siamo uno nel nostro amore, la nostra unione e la nostra musica sussurrata.

Perchè me? Io dico. Perchè me?

Perchè sono io ad avere il tuo amore ardente nel mio cuore?

Perchè sono io ad avere il tuo amore?

L'amore non resta quando l'amore non è voluto.

Io ti voglio, ti voglio quì con me.

Il tuo amore ed il mio, scivolano verso i nostri cuori

per nutrire, proteggere e tenere,

per condividere lacrime e sorrisi,

per camminare lo stesso sentiero muschioso e acciottolato.

Si, caro, io ti amo in un milione di modi.

Le parole non hanno significato quando voglio dire che ti amo.

Solo quando la mia mano è nella tua, la mia pelle contro la tua,

posso respirare il tuo profumo e sentire il tuo amore.

Solo allora posso darti il mio respiro e dire, io ti amo.


Hope Of Love

by Mary Ann McCoy


The warm sun gives life to the field,

leaves fall reflecting their colors in our eyes.

What is a dry leaf on a seeded field?

It’s life returning to its beginning

giving life to the hope of love to return.

Like your love, falling onto my barren heart ,

leaves give future life, hope and love.

They reflect their colors in our hearts

while we share a sunny embrace.

Speranza d'Amore

( translation of Hope Of Love)

by Mary Ann McCoy


Il calore del sole da vita al campo,

foglie cadono riflettendo i loro colori nei tui occhi.

Cos'è una foglia secca su un campo seminato?

E' la vita che ritorna agli inizi

dando vita e speranza d'un amore che ritorna.

Così come il tuo amore che cade sul mio cuore sterile,

le foglie danno vita futura, speranza e amore.

Essi riflettono i colori nei nostri cuori,

mentre ci abbracciamo sotto il sole.


The Scent Of You

by Mary Ann McCoy


Barefoot in the fresh cut grass I walk and think of you.

The scent of you is almost gone.

Gone in the wind with you down the rocky path.

Now rocks fill my heart that once expanded with love.

My heart now shrinks in pain without

the scent of your skin.


Il Profumo di Te

(translation of Scent Of You)

by Mary Ann McCoy


Scalza nell'erba appena tagliata, io cammino e penso a te.

Il tuo profumo è quasi scomparso.

Scomparso nel vento con te per il sentiero roccioso.

Ora rocce riempiono il mio cuore che una volta espandeva con amore.

Il mio cuore ora si rimpicciolisce senza

il profumo di te.


Our Embrace

by Mary Ann McCoy


Snowflakes fall and tangle in my long strands of blond hair.

The winter wind caresses my cheeks and I shiver.

I shiver from the cold of the wind  in your arms.

While in your arms,  your embrace  warms me and stops the cold.

Like the love you give me, warm and always present,

I too, am present loving and holding you.

As one, our embrace gives warmth to this cold winter day.


A Soft Breath

by Mary Ann McCoy


Good Morning my love.

I held your hand on my heart all night.

I felt our hearts beat in a unison

soft breath giving deeper life

to our love.


Un Dolce Respiro

(translation of A Soft Breath)

by Mary Ann McCoy


Buongiorno amore mio.

Ho tenuto la tua mano sul mio cuore tutta la notte.

Sentivo i nostri cuori battere in un

dolce respiro all'unisono

dando vita profonda al nostro amore.


Longing For You

by Mary Ann McCoy


Where are you my love?

My night was dark without your arms

to hold me and give me your soft

whispers of loving words.


Nostalgia di Te

(translation of Longing For You)

by Mary Ann McCoy


Dove sei amore mio?

La mia notte era buia senza le tue braccia

a tenermi e darmi i tuoi dolci

sospiri di parole d'amore.



by Mary Ann McCoy


My lips without yours are like

the rolling waves of the ocean

without a soft sandy shore

on which to fall.



(translation of Lips)

by Mary Ann McCoy


Le mie labbra senza le tue

sono come l’incessante arrotolare

delle onde del mare,

senza una soffice riva sabbiosa

su cui infrangersi.


Whispers Of Love

by Mary Ann McCoy


An empty bed and the blackness of the night

follow a hazy cold dawn of tears and doubts.

You’ve left my heart empty and longing

for the love you whispered and sighed

with promises of a future of love and togetherness,

to share with hands held and fingers entwined in love.


Susurri d'Amore

(translation of Whispers Of Love)

by Mary Ann McCoy


Un letto vuoto ed il buio della notte

seguono un crepuscolo freddo e nebbioso

di lacrime e dubbi.

Hai lasciato il mio cuore vuoto e desideroso

dell'amore che hai sussurato e sospirato

con promesse d'un futuro d'amore e unione

da condividere con mani e dita legate in amore.


Return To Me

by Mary Ann McCoy


My dreams are cold and empty

when you are not by my side

with your love to fill my heart

 and your warmth to hold me tight.

My heart is bare and sighs for your love.

Return to me and pour your love into my heart.


Ritorna Da Me

(translation of Return To Me)

by Mary Ann McCoy


I miei sogni sono freddi e vuoti

quando non sei vicino a me

con il tuo amore a riempire il mio cuore

e il tuo calore a  tenermi stretta.

Il mio cuore è brullo e sospira per il tuo amore.

Ritorna da me e versa il tuo amore nel mio cuore.


Wake Up My Dear

by Mary Ann McCoy


I yearn for your love

for your hand in mine,

for the caress in your eyes,

for your breath in a loving whisper.

I yearn for your love,

wake up my dear.


Svegliati Mio Caro

(Translation of Wake Up My Dear)

by Mary Ann McCoy


Bramo per il tuo amore,

per la tua mano nella mia,

per la carezza nei tuoi occhi,

Per il tuo respiro in un sussurro d'amanti.

Bramo per il tuo amore.

Svegliati, mio caro.


Hear Me Say

by Mary Ann McCoy


You’re not here, not near nor far.

You’re in my heart, flowing in my life.

Giving me hope with your loving words.

Where are you, love?

Come back and whisper that you love me while I sleep.

Enter my dreams and hear me say I love you too.



      (translation of Hear Me Say) 

          by Mary Ann McCoy    


   Non sei qui,

       nè vicino nè lontano.

         Sei nel mio cuore.

        Scorri nella mia vita

       dandomi speranza

                  con le tue parole dolci.       

         Dove sei?

       Ritorna e sussurra

          ti amo mentre dormo.  

         Entra nei miei sogni e 

           ascoltami mentre dico  

       anche io ti amo. 


You Aren’t Here

by Mary Ann McCoy


Snow is falling this morning.

White flakes touch my skin

but the warmth of your love keeps me warm

and melts the snow

turning it into tears on my cheeks.

You no longer are here with me.


Tu Non Sei Quì

(Translation of You Aren't Here)

by Mary Ann McCoy


La neve cade stamane.

Fiocchi bianchi toccano la mia pelle,

però il calore del tuo amore mi tiene calda

e scioglie la neve

tramutandola in lacrime sulle mie guance.

Tu non sei più quì con me.




by Mary Ann McCoy


Desire to perceive when
love is always given.
Love seldom gathered and
emptiness never brimmed.


Want never secured and

giving never endowed.
Hoping without chance when
desire and love is never deepened.

Why do I want emotions I can’t have?
Emptiness and hurt,
not love and desire shared but

tears and scars bestowed.


Alone can I care so deep?
Fulfill so much?
Thoughts tear me from reality and
life gives me no shared deepness.

Alone, only me and my heart
                                       scars do we bare.                                           

Where can desire be if not in my heart?
No where…if alone…when alone.


A Special Place

by Mary Ann McCoy 


Dreams and love stay with us

only if we let them.

Only when we hold them

in that special place

in our heart.


Dreams and love slip away

Only if we let them

Only when we don’t tie them

In that special place

In our heart.


I’ve tied you in my heart

With my dreams

And my love

In that special place

In my heart


Yes, You are

by Mary Ann McCoy


Have I imagined you?

Are you only in my dreams?

No, you’re in my heart.

Your warmth is on my skin.

Our bodies are held

in a lover’s sleeping grasp.

Yes, you are in my dreams

and in my heart.

Yes, you are here with me.

Si, Lo Sei

(Translation of Yes, You Are)

by Mary Ann McCoy


Ti ho immaginato?

Sei solamente nei miei sogni?

No, sei nel mio cuore.

Il tuo calore è sulla mia pelle.

I nostri corpi assonnati sono stretti

in una presa d'amore.

Si, tu sei nei miei sogni,

e nel mio cuore.

Si, tu sei qui con me.



by Mary Ann McCoy


I miss you already,

and you’ve just left my side.

You’ve left but your warmth is here.

I hold it near and wait for your return.



(Translation of Return)

by Mary Ann McCoy


Mi manchi già,

hai appena lasciato il mio fianco.

Sei andato ma il tuo calore è quì.

Lo tengo stretto e aspetto il tuo ritorno.


Your Touch

by Mary Ann McCoy


My body misses your touch

like the blue sky misses

the wind on a cloudy day.


Il Tuo Tocco

(Translation of Your Touch)

by Mary Ann McCoy


Al mio corpo manca il tuo tocco

come al cielo azzurro manca il vento

in una giornata di nuvolo.


My Present and Future

by Mary Ann McCoy


Don’t leave yet.

Show me your loving eyes once again

and tell me you love me.

Fill my present and my future with your breath

whispered in loving words.


Dream Of Me

by Mary Ann McCoy


I sit quietly by your side

watching your chest rise and fall in sleep.

Your eyes, now closed,

Hide the blue that entered my heart.

A heart troubled and defeated

by words, life and pain.

Your loving sigh and constant caress

keep me calm and give comfort so desired.

As I kiss your hand and say good-bye,

your eyes open and invite me to stay.

Good-bye my love,

stay there and dream of me.



By Mary Ann McCoy


My heart breaks.

It shatters like glass

on a tiled floor

in an empty room,

when I think of losing you.

Losing whispers of love in my  dreams,

soft words and endearing touch.

A touch that gives hope and joy to my soul

for a future of love and shared dreams.

My heart shatters at a life without you.



(Translation of Shattered)

by Mary Ann McCoy


Il mio cuore si rompe.

Si frantuma come il vetro

Su un pavimanto piastrellato

In una stanza vuota,

quando penso di perderti.

Di perdere i sussurri d'amore nei miei sogni,

parole dolci e tocchi seducenti .

Un tocco che dona speranza e gioia alla mia anima.

Il mio cuore si frantuma a una vita senza te.


You’ll Be Missed

by Mary Ann McCoy


I wake up without you.

I feel my cracked heart fall apart.

How did I ever allow you to enter my trust?

You entered deep into my heart and left wounds to heal.

I had promised myself no one would pierce my senses again.

Now, no needle and thread or glue can bring together

the pieces of my, once again, broken heart.

I still wish for you, from every tiny piece

of heart you have broken, a happy life.

Your arms around my body

will  be missed



Mi Mancherai

(translation of You'll Be Missed)

by Mary Ann McCoy


Mi sono svegliata senza di te,

sento il mio cuore infranto crollare a pezzi.

Come ho fatto a lasciarti entrare nel mio cuore?

Sei entrato in profondità e hai lasciato ferite da guarire.

Mi ero promessa che nessuno m’avrebbe squarciato i sensi di nuovo.

Ora, nessun ago e filo ne colla potrà mai saldare

i pezzi del mio cuore, nuovamente infranto.

Tuttavia, mi auguro, che da ogni pezzetto del

mio cuore spezzato, spunti una vita felice per te.

Sentirò la mancanza delle

tue braccia attorno

al mio corpo



Not Yet Lost

by Mary Ann McCoy


My heart swells with tears I don’t let flow

words I cannot cry,

pain I cannot show.

It bends with winds hard to fly.


Like a kite torn by wind too sharp to sail

carrying shades of colors slowly bleeding

where yearning and hope still prevail.

There, my strength and will have still seed.


Skin touched by scars of growth abound,

bathed warm from eyes over flown

when zeal and lust won’t succumb,

indifference digs and tears are worn.


Sparks In My Heart

by Mary Ann McCoy


Flames and sparks

dance in the night and

like music in my soul,

your kiss on my lips

stir love in my heart.


Flames on the log and

sparks in my heart

hold me close to you and

stir the fire

in our joining limbs.


A Lovers’ Walk

by Mary Ann McCoy


Hold my hand in yours

and walk with me,

leave your footprints with mine

in the sand by the sea.


Warm wind and sea

on my skin confuse the warmth

from your hand and voice,

they nourish my desire for you.


Words spoken in a lover’s breath,

promises made while footprints join

and on the sand we lie

and make love till dawn.


Polished Stones

by Mary Ann McCoy


I walk in the cold rushing water

and search for myself

mirrored in the river’s crystal.

Polished by the current,

pink stones look up at me,

they ask for transport to my heart.


A loving refuge searched,

erasing pain to later replace.

Bygone with smooth hopeful shapes,

polished, pardoned and restored

by smooth blue love collected

in an adjacent flowing bed.



by Mary Ann McCoy


My hand on your chest,

my head on your shoulder,

I hear the beat of your heart

and the warmth of your skin.

Our legs tangle and our lips press.

In an embrace we hold our hearts

and tangle once more.



by Mary Ann McCoy


Eyes closed,

bodies locked,

while in a lovers' hold,

we wait for the moon to yield

to the morning light.



(Translation of Wait)

by Mary Ann McCoy


Occhi chiusi,

corpi bloccati,

mentre in una presa d'amanti

aspettiamo che la luna si conceda

alla luce del mattino.



by Mary Ann McCoy


White soft clouds against the blue sky slowly move

while rays of light and warmth penetrate my heart.

Like the sky holding the white suspended in the blue,

so is my heart suspended in your voice.



(Translation of Suspended)

by Mary Ann McCoy

Soffice nuvole bianche contro il cielo azzurro lentamente si muovono

mentre raggi di luce e calore penetrano il mio cuore.

Come il cielo tiene il bianco sospeso nel azzurro,

così è il mio cuore sospeso nella tua voce.


Missing Your Touch

by Mary Ann McCoy


Our whispered “I love yous” are still in my heart

saved from our loving caresses last night.

I miss the feel of your hands and lips already,

but the sun came over the horizon

just  few hours ago.

How will I spend the entire day

waiting for the sun to set

so I can have your touch again?


In My Heart

by Mary Ann McCoy


Have I imagined you?

Are you only in my head?

No, you're in my heart.

Your warmth is on my skin.

Our hands are entwined

in a lovers' grasp.

Yes, you're in my head,

and in my heart.



by Mary Ann McCoy


Dreams and love stay with us

only if we let them.

Only when we hold them

in that special place

in our heart.

Dreams and love slip away

only if we let them.

Only when we don't tie them

in that special place

in our heart.

I've tied you in that special place

in my heart.


Floating Notes

by Mary Ann McCoy


Where are you my love?

Are you deep in my heart and in my soul?

I would crumble if you were taken from me

and settled elsewhere far from me.

I hear the notes of a cello

floating on the blue green sea,

gently moving with the soft, calm waves.

Are they taking you from me,

or are they bringing you to me?

I call those enticing notes

to join the humming of my heart

so I can hold you close and whisper

I love you in your ear.



by Mary Ann McCoy


Share my bed with me,

let me lean into you

while I hold your heart

in loving trust

this cold and windy night.


Fires In My Soul

by Mary Ann McCoy


Bright stars in the sky

shine sparkles in my eyes.

Your love in my heart

feeds fires in my soul.


Hearts Together

by Mary Ann McCoy


My fingers tie yours to my hand

while our love ties

our lives to our hearts.

We wait for the moon's sky

and the sun's goodbye

with a loving touch and tight embrace.



by Mary Ann McCoy


Warm tears fill my eyes

watching you walk away

leaving my heart

in my hands and

my life broken without you.



(Translation of Tears)

by Mary Ann McCoy


Lacrime calde riempiono i miei occhi

guardandoti mentre vai via

lasciando il mio cuore

nelle mie mani e

la mia vita infranta senza te.


All Sides Around

by Mary Ann McCoy


How do I feel

with you in my heart?

How do I live

with you in my life?

I'm happy inside out.

I'm fullfilled outside in.

I'm loved upside down

and all sides around.


Share With Me

by Mary Ann McCoy


Hold my hand and walk with me.

Give me love to hold.

Give me warmth to spread and

share with me this love.

Dream with me all night.


My Life Smiles

by Mary Ann McCoy


I can't stop loving you,

love is what beats in my heart.

The softness of your voice

fills my life and

strengthens my smile.


Beating Tune

by Mary Ann McCoy


Legs entwined, hands held tight,

our bodies caress while

our hearts beat a unison love song.

A soft touch and warm breath

caress my life whilst

your love engulfs my life

in a beating tune.



by Mary Ann McCoy


I long for your call and

hope for your love with

eyes closed and heart open

awaiting your love.


Without You

by Mary Ann McCoy


The sky has turned dark,

no sun, no moon, no stars.

My life, now empty,

yearns for your touch.

How can my sky turn blue again?

How can the sun warm my morn?

How can the moon turn on the stars?

How can I live without your touch?

I hurt without you like the dark sky

hurts without the moon,

like the morning crys without the sun.

Your words cut deep.

They tore open my heart,

like a peeled sweet orange

exposing its sweetness to pain.

Without you I am numb.

Without you I am empty.

Your love is gone,

Our love is no more.



by Mary Ann McCoy


Floating clouds load the sky and 

fresh green leaves fill the branches.

My breath flutters and heart quivers

watching spring steal my love

down the grassy path.

Scents and sighs fill the air.

He is gone and I will wait

till snow falls again and once more,

his love I will hold and blankets bare.


I Want To Love You

by Mary Ann McCoy


I want to love you.

I want my hands to tie with yours.

I want my body to weld to yours.

I want to love you.


My hands tremble at your touch.

My body shivers at your warmth.

My heart opens to yours.

I want to love you.


I want the freedom to fly,

to fly into your heart.

To wedge your love in my soul.

I want to flow over your skin.


Hold you there in the river of my love,

let our love flow with the wind

in the soft rippling blue river

of my red heart.


Io Voglio Amarti

By Mary Ann McCoy


Io voglio amarti

Voglio che le mie mani si leghino alle tue.

Voglio che il mio corpo si saldi al tuo.

Io voglio amarti.


Le mie mani tremano al tuo tocco.

Il mio corpo rabbrividisce al tuo calore.

Il mio cuore si apre al tuo.

Io voglio amarti


Voglio la libertà di volare,

di volare dentro al tuo cuore.

Di incuneare il tuo amore nella mia anima.

Io voglio scorrere sulla tua pelle.


Tenerti lì nel fiume del mio amore,

lasciare che il nostro amore scorra con il vento

nel soffice increspare del fiume azzurro

del mio cuore rosso.


Moonlit Nights

by Mary Ann Mccoy


Songs to sing,

stories to tell

lives to live and

love to share.

All in whispered words

you give me

in windy skys

and moonlit nights.


My Scarlet River

by Mary Ann McCoy


The warm scarlet flow of my heart

carries you through my life,

holding you close, tight and softly.

Your presence, with moon or sun,

gives me love and assurance

that the sun will rise every morning

and the moon will lighten our dreams.


All Around Me

by Mary Ann McCoy


I can feel your fingers

slipping through mine.

I can smell your skin

enticing my desire.

I can see your smile

reflecting in my soul.

I can taste your salty sweet

kisses on my lips.

I can hear your voice

calming my fears.

How can I not love you?

Your love is all around me.


Wind In Our Hearts

by Mary Ann McCoy


Wind blows fog far from our skies

while time tames pain in our hearts.

I won't let time tame my love for you

or will I let the wind blow

our love from our hearts.





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